Find Our Most Frequently Asked Questions Below
For new customers, questions often concern the fitting of the mold - is it safe? - will it hurt?. Let me assure you that the fitting procedure is painless and simple and has been performed thousands of times without incident.
- How long does the fitting/molding process take? Our standard molds take approximately 35 minutes, and Molds with stereo wires take approximately 45 minutes. In both cases you take them home with you. - Do I need to make an appointment? YES, simply call me on 0433 164 774 to make a booking. Although it sometimes feels like I am working here 24/7, I do service groups and workplaces on-site and I'm not always in the office. - How long do the molds last? We guarantee them for 2 years, though on average most molds when looked after will last 3+ years. - Can you do fittings for large groups? Yes certainly – there is a site visit charge if I come to your site. Please contact me for more information.